Avocado is the easiest, fastest way to communicate and get simple task done. With voice+transcription, communication is always crystal clear -- and done in an instant. Say it and be done.
It’s everyone's personal admin
Schedule events saying times & dates
Voice is 3x faster than tapping or typing
Avocado adds your events instantly
Include names to create invites
Use your voice to set a reminder.
Reminders delivered via Push Notidication & Email.
E.g. “Remind me at 10:30am to order team lunch”.
Create reminders on-the-go
Edit your reminders and poke yourself
Use times and dates to get reminded
Keep track of status and completion
Be more productive effortlessly
Speak to check your availability!
E.g. “When am I available for lunch this week” or “When can I do coffe today”
Use it for lunch, dinner, coffee, etc.
Ask for timeslots Get the answer
Easiest way to coordinate
Connects to your Calendar
Be more social Be more productive